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Who Is Liable for My Rideshare Accident Injuries?

When you’re injured in a car accident, you’re already suffering through pain, severe injuries, and losses that could add up quickly. All that is bad enough when you’re one of the drivers, but what if you’re just a passenger in a rideshare?

People are injured in rideshare accidents more often than you think, and it can leave you and your family struggling through the accident and asking, “Who is liable for my rideshare accident injuries?” Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always so clear. 

If you’re not sure who’s at fault for your injuries, reach out for a lawyer’s help. They can review your case and help you get the answers you need to get your compensation. 

Employer Liability

Typically, when you’re injured by another driver, your case is between you and the other driver. However, your rideshare driver was at work, which makes your case more complicated because now, Lyft or Uber may be involved

That’s where these companies differ from bus and taxi companies. Typically, if an employee causes a car accident, their employer is the one responsible for their employees’ actions

However, that’s not so simple with a rideshare company. Instead, the companies list themselves as app companies and their drivers as self-employed. Because of that, it can be tough to get compensation from the company itself. 

Filing an Insurance Claim

Fortunately, you may not have to file a claim with the company. Instead, the driver should have an insurance policy that covers the injuries you’ve suffered because of the rideshare accident. 

These drivers must carry rideshare insurance, which can cover up to $1 million in damages. That gives you the chance to recover by simply seeking a settlement with their insurance company. 

That doesn’t mean the insurance company will always be willing to pay for your injuries. Although you may need funds for your hospital bills, lost wages, and any property damaged in the crash, they may not want to pay the full amount you need for your recovery. In these cases, you may need to request more than the initial offer. 

That means writing a demand letter for the full amount you’re owed, rather than agreeing right away for their settlement offer. If they still fail to help you recover from your rideshare accident injuries, your attorney can help you file a lawsuit against them. 

Get Compensation for Your Rideshare Injuries

It’s not easy to obtain the compensation you need for your rideshare accident. You’re hurt and you’re struggling to make sense of the complicated legal position you’re in. That’s why you may need help answering your questions, such as, “Who is liable for my rideshare accident injuries?”

At Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, we understand how tough it can be to get answers like this. That’s why we offer guidance to those struggling with their answers. If you’re not sure who’s financially liable or what your legal options are, reach out for a free consultation, in which we can discuss your case and what options are available to you.

To learn more about our services, take advantage of our consultations by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462). You can also use the online contact form to reach out to us for more information. 

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