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Brooklyn Rollover Accident Lawyer

Because of the serious injuries and financial hardships they can cause, rollover accidents can turn your life upside down. But a Brooklyn rollover crash lawyer can help you get the compensation you need to recover.

All car accidents are scary, but rollover accidents can be especially dangerous incidents. The force required to flip a car or SUV makes these crashes particularly likely to cause injuries.

The costs associated with rollover wrecks can also be hard to cope with. Medical treatment, therapy, and lost income—not to mention non-economic consequences—can be debilitating.

If all these hardships are the result of negligence by another party, you can file a claim for compensation to recover your losses. But doing so isn’t going to be easy. You’re likely going to need the help of a trained professional.

At Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, we understand and sympathize with your situation. Talk to a Brooklyn rollover accident lawyer from our firm to learn more about how we can help you get the compensation you need.

Types of Injuries from Rollover Crashes

A plethora of injuries may result from an SUV rollover accident. Many of these are serious and may take extended periods of time to recover from. We’ll do everything we can to see to it that you’re compensated fairly for your suffering.

Some injuries commonly associated with Brooklyn rollover accidents include the following:

  • Spinal Cord Injures – Permanent damage to the spine, such as paralysis, may result from the impact of a rollover crash.
  • Neck Injuries – Serious whiplash may result from the jolting of your head back and forth.
  • Brain Damage – Your head may slam into the dashboard, steering wheel, window, or door, resulting in a concussion or serious brain trauma.
  • Internal Injuries – Internal injuries, such as a ruptured spleen or punctured lungs, may result from a rollover crash.
  • Broken Bones – Fractured or broken bones in the back, legs, arms, and other areas are common injuries rollover crash survivors suffer.

What Causes SUV Rollover Accidents?

The causes of SUV rollover accidents can vary. Negligent drivers, defective parts, and hazardous roads may all lead to a serious crash. And because of their height and weight distribution, SUVs may be particularly vulnerable to rolling over during a collision.

Some of the most common causes of rollover accidents include the following:

  • Distracted driving
  • Human error
  • Drunk or drugged driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Hazardous roads
  • Faulty vehicle parts or mechanical failure

Securing a Fair and Full Settlement

Determining the value of your claim is a complex process that is likely to require the guidance of a Brooklyn rollover crash attorney. Your lawyer will carefully consider all aspects of your case to calculate a fair sum for your compensation.

Factors that may influence your claim value include the following:

  • Present and future medical costs
  • Lost income or inability to work in the future
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished ability to enjoy life
  • The cost of modifying your home or vehicle to accommodate your injury

Contact a Brooklyn Rollover Crash Lawyer

After a rollover crash that wasn’t your fault has injured you, you deserve compensation, and you shouldn’t have to struggle to get it.

A Brooklyn rollover accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help you secure the compensation you’re owed. Give us a call at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or fill out our online contact form below to schedule a consultation.

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