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Brooklyn DWI Accident Lawyer

The results of combining alcohol with operating a moving vehicle are often disastrous, but they are also always preventable.

Many times, the people hurt the worst are not even the people who were drinking and driving. Because so many people have been injured or died as a result of someone else’s drinking and driving, the courts take drinking while intoxicated (DWI) extremely seriously.

Whether you are a victim of someone else’s drinking and driving, or you are the one who has been accused of drinking and driving, you need an experienced Brooklyn DWI accident lawyer to ensure you get the justice you deserve.

New York Laws and DWI

New York is a zero tolerance state for DWI; even the first offense carries a heavy penalty. When a person who is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is in an accident, he or she faces serious charges, whether at fault or not.

This is just one of the reasons why you should always call the police when you are in an accident. If you don’t, you could end up with serious financial burdens because of someone else’s choice to drink and drive.

Some people try to hide the fact that they were driving while intoxicated. Calling the police will ensure that this is discovered and will also provide you with an official accident report. This report will be useful to your case in court should you decide to seek compensation later.

New York No-Fault Car Insurance

New York is a no-fault state, so some of the expenses might be covered by your insurance right away.

However, not all expenses will be covered. Even if they are, your insurance rates may then increase thanks to someone else’s choice to drink and drive.

In New York, each person involved in the accident is assigned a percentage of fault for what happened and the resulting expenses. If the other driver’s reactions were impaired due to alcohol, that person should be held accountable for his or her portion of the accident.

You should not have to carry the burden of the accident, the injuries, and the resulting expenses alone.

Why You Need Experienced Accident Lawyers

DWI cases that involve car accidents are not always easy to navigate. An experienced Brooklyn DWI accident lawyer can help you manage the process and determine what your next step should be.

You will be up against other drivers, their attorneys, insurance adjusters, and other professionals who won’t have your best interests in mind. Don’t be a victim twice. Make sure you get the justice and the compensation you deserve to help you move forward.

Contact an Attorney

If you have been in a car accident with someone who was drinking and driving, don’t attempt to navigate the process alone. Contact Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP online or call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) as soon as possible to get started.

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