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Manhattan Accident Lawyer

To find out how to win the compensation you need after your accident, reach out to a Manhattan accident attorney.

Accidents can happen at any time in any place, but if they are due to someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t be left holding the bills.

Whether you’re dealing with a car crash or a slip-and-fall accident at a grocery store, you’ll have to fight to get any compensation, and that still may not cover all your costs.

But with the guidance of a Manhattan accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP, your personal injury case is positioned to find the best path forward.

Varieties of Accidents

Accidents and the injuries they cause may fall under many categories, and each one has specific rules and roadblocks. We need to determine what happened and why so we can decide who the at-fault parties are. This is because cause often leads to fault.

The major accident categories include the following:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents – These can be complicated because of the confusion that New York’s no-fault insurance policy introduces. Crashes may be caused by another driver who was distracted, drowsy, or drunk; a defective part; or dangerous road conditions. Vehicle accidents can include cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
  • Construction and Work Accidents – Victims are often told that workers compensation is all that’s available after an accident on the job, but if a third party was involved, then you may be able to file a personal injury claim for additional compensation.
  • Premises Liability – This covers injuries sustained at someone’s home or business, whether it involves a dog bite, unsecured pool, or a slip-and-fall accident.
  • Product Liability – This accident category includes any problems in the design, manufacture, marketing, or distribution of a product like a toaster, teapot, or automobile part that cause an accident.
  • Medical Malpractice – This is another serious and complicated category. It may involve permanent nerve damage or other complications caused by negligence on the part of medical professionals.

Injury Types

The worst injuries can be debilitating and the least serious can still bring constant irritation. The following are some common injury types and their effects:

  • Head injuries can affect the senses, brain function, motor control. These may include traumatic brain injuries, physical trauma to the face that causes disfigurement, and many others.
  • Neck and back injuries pose the risk of spinal cord damage, which can cause paralysis, motor control problems, chronic nerve pain, and diminished mobility.
  • Internal trauma to vital organs may require a lifetime of medications, procedures, or even transplants, but internal bleeding can cost a limb or your brain function.
  • Broken bones may lead to blood clots, lifelong mobility problems, or, in the worst cases, amputation.
  • Burns that cover a large area of the body or are severe often need skin grafts and physical therapy.
  • Dog bites can be physically damaging, but the psychological trauma, especially for a child, can be even worse.

Your Compensation

The compensation you receive for your injuries depends on how hard you fight with the at-fault party’s lawyers and insurance representatives. That’s why it’s so helpful to have an experienced Manhattan injury lawyer on your side.

We’ll work closely with your doctors, police, and witnesses to determine the extent of your injuries and how long they will impact your life.

We may advise you to pursue compensation for damages like the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Accommodations for disabilities
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage
  • Wrongful death

Proving Fault

One of the most important aspects of a personal injury claim is proving fault because there is no case without an offender. We want to maximize your compensation by finding all the relevant parties who might have contributed to the accident, but we also want to protect you from having the blame redirected at you.

New York is a pure comparative negligence state. On one hand, this means that, even if you’re partially responsible for your accident, you can still sue. But on the other hand, your compensation is reduced by the percentage of fault you’re deemed to bear.

For example, if you were awarded a judgment of $1,000,000 but were found 10 percent responsible for your Manhattan accident, then you’d only receive $900,000.

To reduce your compensation, the insurance companies and other attorneys will resort to unfair tactics, including twisting your own words against you. An experienced accident lawyer in Manhattan will work to stop these attempts.

Get in Touch with a Manhattan Accident Attorney

Having a qualified attorney on your side after you’ve been injured in an accident can make the difference between winning the compensation you need and continuing to suffer.

To make sure your rights and interests are protected, contact a Manhattan accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP as soon as possible. Call us at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or fill out the contact form below to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today.

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