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Harlem Truck Accident Lawyer

A crash with an 18-wheeler can cause catastrophic injuries and devastating financial losses. Make certain that you get a settlement that covers everything you’ve been through by working with a Harlem truck accident lawyer.

Accidents involving semi-trucks and other large commercial vehicles can cause some of the most serious injuries possible. The medical care required in the aftermath can easily wipe out a victim’s financial reserves in no time—and that doesn’t even touch on the other expenses and losses that will occur.

If this is your situation, a Harlem truck accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help you determine whether you have grounds for a personal injury claim and what it could be worth.

Identifying Who Is at Fault for a Semi-Truck Crash

When seeking compensation for a truck accident, we need to determine who was at fault for what happened. This is easier in crashes involving only passenger vehicles because they are usually privately owned by a single family or individual.

This isn’t the case with commercial trucks, however. A number of different parties will be involved in the maintenance and operation of these vehicles, and any number of them could be at fault:

  • A driver who is reckless, distracted, drunk, or fatigued could be liable for your wreck.
  • If the trucking company sent an untrained driver out, failed to allow adequate rest time, or had policies in place that encourage reckless operation, they could be liable.
  • A third-party maintenance company contracted to keep the truck in good condition could be responsible if they failed to maintain the vehicle properly.
  • Sometimes a faulty part malfunctions and causes a crash. When this happens, you can sue the manufacturer.

To identify the negligent party, we will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and review inspection logs and accident reports. Your Harlem truck accident lawyer may need additional information, and as the process progresses, this may lead us to complete depositions where we ask the driver or representative of the trucking company questions under oath.

Types of 18-Wheeler Accidents

Given the size difference between a passenger vehicle and a commercial truck, any collision can be dangerous and even fatal. However, some truck accidents are more likely to cause serious injuries than others:

  • Jackknife accidents are often multiple-vehicle accidents, and the likelihood of being hit more than once is high.
  • Rollover accidents can crush your vehicle and may lead to life-threatening injuries.
  • Underrides are often deadly because a trapped vehicle may be unable to escape without being crushed or hit by a second car.

Semi-Truck Accident Injuries

The nature and extent of your injuries are the primary factors that will need to be considered when determining the value of your claim. Every Harlem truck accident lawyer from our firm has experience litigating claims for a number of different injury types:

  • Broken bones
  • Amputations
  • Spine injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Vision loss
  • Severe burns
  • Internal organ damage and bleeding
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other emotional trauma

You have the right to seek medical treatment for your injuries and reach your maximum level of recovery. The negligent party should have to pay for both this and the negative impact your injuries have had on your life.

Compensation for 18-Wheeler Crash Injuries

Every financial loss and non-economic damage you suffer because of the wreck needs to be compensated to you. Your Harlem truck accident lawyer will work with both you and your doctor to uncover all of your losses and arrive at an accurate total value for your claim.

Economic damages you might have incurred include all of the following:

  • Money for medical treatments, both current and future
  • Rehabilitation and therapy expenses
  • Cost of medications, medical devices, and other services
  • Lost wages and income due to being unable to work
  • Property damage and vehicle repair
  • Any other direct expenses that were the result of your accident

Non-economic damages are not tied to a direct expense and may be awarded for the decreased quality of life you experience because of the wreck and your injuries. These damages can include emotional distress, pain and suffering, lost companionship, and lost enjoyment of life.

Contact a Harlem 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer

The trucking company and their insurance company will do their best to make you a victim all over again by trying to get you to settle for the smallest amount possible. Make sure you get treated fairly and receive the funds you need to pay for your recovery by working with Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.

Retaining a Harlem truck accident lawyer from our office is the best way to receive fair and full compensation. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss the details of your case by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by completing the form below.

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