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Harlem Personal Injury Lawyer

From medical bills to lost wages and income, an injury can drain your finances and wreck your standard of living. Find out if you have grounds to seek compensation by consulting with a Harlem personal injury lawyer.

Getting hurt in an accident of any sort is always a traumatic event, but trying to manage your recovery while also dealing with insurance companies and a growing pile of medical bills can make a stressful situation quickly go from bad to worse. It might even be that your injury wasn’t even your fault, and if this is the case, you could have grounds to seek monetary compensation from the responsible party.

Getting a fair settlement isn’t easy, however. Getting the money that you deserve means knowing what your claim’s true value is—something that the insurance and opposing attorneys won’t be interested in helping you with. This is why your best course of action is to work with a Harlem personal injury lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP.

Common Accident Types and Determining Fault

Knowing and proving who caused your accident is the foundation of your claim. It could even be that more than one party was involved, which will allow you to name all of them in your lawsuit and thereby increase your potential sources of compensation.

Your Harlem personal injury lawyer will have extensive experience investigating and determining fault in a wide variety of accident types:

  • Auto Crashes – Whether you were in a wreck with a personal vehicle, commercial truck, motorcycle, or bus, you can file a lawsuit if the other party was more negligent than you. If the accident was caused by bad roads, you may even be able to sue the government.
  • Premises Liability – Slip-and-fall accidents and other types of premises liability situations can be difficult to prove, making it important to hire an attorney. Falls account for serious injuries and thousands of deaths every year, and filing a lawsuit is the best way to hold the responsible party accountable.
  • Medical Malpractice – If a doctor, hospital, nurse, or other healthcare provider caused you harm, it may qualify as medical malpractice.
  • Product Liability – Manufacturers have a duty to produce and sell safe products. If yours malfunctioned and exploded, made you sick, or caused an injury, they should compensate you for your suffering.
  • Construction Accidents – Typically, you cannot sue your employer. However, you could sue a third party that contributed to your injuries, such as the manufacturer of defective safety equipment.
  • Pedestrian Accidents – These accidents often lead to extremely serious injuries and even death, making it important to hire an attorney right away.

Catastrophic Injury Types

To file a lawsuit, your injuries must have warranted medical care. Afterward, the severity of your injury will dictate the length of your recovery process, how your life will be affected, and how much compensation you will receive.

It will be important to work closely with your doctors to arrive at an accurate assessment of your claim’s overall value. A Harlem personal injury lawyer from our firm will have experience handling claims for a wide variety of different injury types:

Getting a Fair Settlement for Your Personal Injury

When valuing your injury claim, we will first evaluate how your physical injuries have affected your quality of life and what the cost will be for treating them—both now and in the future. Next, we will calculate your financial losses from being unable to work while you recover. If your doctor believes that you will be unable to return to work in your prior capacity, we will calculate your long-term wage loss as well.

Working with a Harlem personal injury lawyer from our firm can allow you to receive compensation for all of the other potential economic and non-economic damages that you have suffered because of your accident and injuries, as well:

  • Transportation expenses
  • Cost of retrofitting your home to make it handicap-friendly
  • Caregiver wages
  • Rehabilitative and emotional therapy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost enjoyment of life

Settling Through Negotiations vs. Going to Court

Many people are nervous about the possibility of going to court, even if they weren’t partially at fault for their personal injury. This is completely understandable, and the truth is that most claims settle out of court through negotiations.

However, sometimes the insurance company or the attorneys representing the at-fault party won’t make a serious offer unless a lawsuit is filed and an official court date set. At this point, they often become much more eager to negotiate in earnest. So while odds are good that you won’t have to go to court, it’s important that you are willing to.

Even then, sometimes a fair settlement offer won’t be forthcoming, making a court-rendered verdict your best chance for full compensation. When this occurs, your Harlem personal injury lawyer will have the courtroom experience to represent you and handle all of the legal procedures on your behalf.

Speak with a Harlem Personal Injury Attorney

Don’t let an insurance company or the at-fault party get away with paying you less than what you deserve. Avoid becoming a victim a second time by getting the compensation you need to pay for your recovery.

To discuss the details of your case with a Harlem personal injury lawyer during a free consultation, contact Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP as soon as possible. Getting started is as simple as calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or completing the form at the bottom of this page.

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