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Bronx Bus Accident Lawyer

Suffering injuries in a bus accident must have been a horrific experience for you or your family member. When you take a bus to work or school, you never expect to get hurt in an accident as bus companies and their drivers are required to practice caution.

If your bus wreck caused you injuries and someone else was at fault, you can seek compensation for your injuries to cover medical costs, loss of work, and pain and suffering—among other damages. In order to get the settlement you deserve, a Bronx bus accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP will help you fight for your rights and achieve the best possible outcome.

New York Bus Accidents and Their Causes

Over 20,000 people are injured in bus crashes every year in the United States. Whether you were a passenger on the bus that crashed or an occupant in another vehicle, your injuries are worthy of legal action against the negligent party.

Bus crashes can happen for any number of reasons:

  • Driver error
  • Inexperienced bus driver
  • Mechanical failure and defective parts
  • Poor bus maintenance
  • Drowsy driving
  • Drunk or drugged driving

Who Caused My Bus Crash?

Because more than one party can be held liable for a bus crash, your case may be more difficult than car accidents. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, a Bronx bus accident lawyer from our firm will determine if you can pursue damages from more than one party.

The bus driver and the bus company are sometimes considered two different parties, but both may be responsible for causing your accident. When you are not at fault, an attorney can investigate the wreck and examine all the evidence to determine who can be held accountable for your injuries.

One or more parties may be responsible for the crash, including any of the following people or entities:

  • Bus driver
  • Bus company
  • Bus manufacturer
  • Parts manufacturer
  • Maintenance company

It is not uncommon for safety violations to be the root of the cause of bus accidents. Sacrificing safety for increased profits puts passengers and occupants of other vehicles in danger, causing serious injuries that change the course of your life.

Full Compensation for Your Injuries

Dealing and negotiating with insurance companies is an important aspect of recovering the comprehensive settlement you are entitled to. A Bronx bus accident lawyer from our firm will determine the extent of your losses and will aggressively negotiate with the insurance companies with the goal of receiving all the financial compensation you deserve.

Insurance companies typically do not consider all your losses. They will try to offer you a low amount that does not include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Our job is to help you recover the maximum amount you are entitled to, which may include the following financial expenses and non-economic damages:

  • Lost wages and future income
  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Medical equipment and devices
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium

Contact a Bronx Bus Crash Attorney

Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP is experienced in bus accident litigation. To learn how we can help you recover a large settlement, call our office at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or contact us online through the form below to schedule an appointment for a free, no-obligation consultation where you can discuss your case with a Bronx bus accident lawyer.

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