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Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Trucking accidents happen every day on New York’s many roadways, and if you’ve been affected by one, you know how scary it can be. During the aftermath, you’re left to pick up the pieces and figure out what actually happened—and that can be a grueling, painstaking process, particularly if you’re also focused on healing from injuries caused by the crash.

The Most Common Causes of Semi Accidents in New York

Driver error is the most common cause of trucking accidents in New York. Whether it’s an error in judgment, an improperly handled truck or a failure to exercise the proper amount of caution, drivers are directly responsible for a large majority of accidents involving big-rigs in our state.

In some cases, drivers of other vehicles cause the truck driver to get in an accident. Examples of this include:

  • Motorists driving beside and behind large trucks in the driver’s blind spots
  • Abrupt lane changes in front of trucks
  • Misjudging an oncoming truck’s speed and attempting to maneuver before crossing paths
  • Improperly merging
  • Unsafe passing
  • Pulling in front of a truck without sufficient speed

Many truck drivers cause accidents for other reasons, such as:

  • Improper training on the handling of such a large truck
  • Rushing to meet time frames and stick to the Hours of Service Rules mandated by federal law and adopted by the state of New York
  • Speeding
  • Attempting to navigate streets they should not navigate due to the size of their trucks

Although one or both of the drivers involved are at fault in many cases, sometimes there are other parties who need to be held accountable.

Who’s at Fault for 18-Wheeler Accidents?

In addition to the truck’s driver, there are several other parties that may be at fault for the trucking accident. In some cases, the owner of the truck or trailer may be held accountable, particularly if their equipment caused or contributed to the crash.

Sometimes the person or company that leased the truck or trailer from the owner is partly responsible, and in some cases, even the vehicle’s manufacturer could be liable. That also includes manufacturers of tires and other parts that either caused or contributed to the accident, or parts that made the crash worse than it should have been.

Finally, sometimes the entity whose cargo is loaded on the truck is partly responsible. This is particularly true if the truck was improperly loaded, or it was loaded with hazardous materials or dangerous cargo that contributed to or caused the trucking accident.

Untangling the Confusion Surrounding a Truck Accident

If you’ve been injured in a trucking accident that wasn’t your fault, you’ll be facing medical bills, possible lost wages, and other expenses. It’s only fair that you get justice for what happened to you, and in a perfect world, it would be reasonable to expect insurance companies to step up to the plate and provide what you are entitled to receive.

Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple.

Even your own insurance company will want to avoid paying you a settlement. That’s because overall, they’re concerned about one thing: their bottom line.

Trying to deal with the at-fault party’s insurance company can be even more of a challenge.

In most cases, it’s best not to talk to any insurance adjusters; not even your own. Instead, leave that unpleasant task to a talented and experienced trucking accident lawyer who’s familiar with New York laws.

It’s probably also best to leave the detail-hunting to your attorney. You need to focus on your recovery, not try to figure out who was actually at fault for the crash and who is responsible for paying.

Top Causes of Trucking Accidents

Working with a NYC Personal Injury Lawyer After a Trucking Accident

Hiring a kind, compassionate lawyer might be the best decision you make. Your attorney can come visit you in the hospital or at home to get your side of the story. He or she will put the evidence together like puzzle pieces to determine exactly what happened.

From there, your lawyer will build a strategy that gets you the best possible outcome in your case. Whether you need to be compensated for medical costs, lost wages or anything else, your lawyer will be able to fight hard on your behalf to help ensure that you get the justice you deserve.

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident involving any type of motor vehicle, call and speak with a partner of the firm today. 1-800-842-8462 (1-800-Victim2)


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