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Queens Taxi Accident Lawyer

Taxicab wrecks are far more complicated than other car crashes. Find out how to handle your case by consulting with a Queens taxi accident lawyer.

Make sure you get the compensation you deserve after getting hurt in an accident with a taxicab. A Queens taxi accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer can represent you, ensure that you are treated fairly, and get you as much money as possible for your injuries.

Were You Injured by a Licensed Cab?

The type of cab you were in can impact your case. New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission is the licensing organization within the city and surrounding boroughs. They require all licensed cabs to carry at least $100,000 in liability insurance per person and $300,000 total per accident. This ensures that funds are in place to pay for your injuries.

Who’s at Fault?

Before filing a personal injury lawsuit, we need to determine who was at fault for the wreck. If you were hit by a cab or injured while riding in one, the likely conclusion would be that the cab driver or taxi company is to blame. Rather than simply assuming this, we need to investigate what happened to determine if any third parties have shared liability:

  • Another driver involved in the collision could also be at fault
  • The city could be responsible if dangerous roads were to blame
  • A cab manufacturer or maintenance company could be negligent if a faulty part caused the wreck

File Your Personal Injury Lawsuit Quickly

You should speak with a Queens taxi accident lawyer as soon as possible and file your claim right away. There is a statute of limitations in New York that requires you to file your lawsuit within three years of an injury. If you exceed this time constraint, you’ll miss the opportunity to file suit and seek compensation.

Who Can Seek Compensation After a Taxicab Wreck

Anyone injured by a taxicab accident can sue the driver or company, as long as these parties were negligent or responsible. This means that you can seek compensation if you were any of the following:

Potential Compensation for a Cab Collision

If you are wondering what the value of your claim is, call our office to speak with a Queens taxi accident lawyer. We can discuss how your injuries have impacted your lifestyle, physical abilities, and finances, which can then be assessed to determine what a fair settlement amount would be.

You can get money for any financial expenses and non-economic losses caused by the accident:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Wage losses
  • Transportation costs
  • Medication, medical devices, and rehabilitation
  • Lost quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

We can also demand punitive damages if the negligent party was purposely negligent or egregiously reckless.

Contact a Queens Cab Crash Attorney

To get started with your case, complete the form below and schedule a free consultation with a Queens taxi accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer. We can answer any questions you have and get you the compensation you need. You can also reach us by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462).

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