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New York City Out-of-State Lawyer

Getting into an accident with an out-of-state driver can be a common occurrence in New York City, especially when visiting drivers don’t follow the traffic laws in New York City.

Because New York City is such a popular area for tourism and thriving businesses, accidents with people from out of state are more likely to happen than they would in smaller, less-populated areas.

The real issue is not who comes from where, but who is driving in New York City with what kind of insurance and how the whole situation will be handled legally. The New York City out-of-state lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP have many years of experience in all types of car accidents, and can answer many of these questions for you.

Out-of-State Drivers and Mistakes

Some right-of-way rules may seem obscure to out-of-state drivers, and they may not even be aware that they are breaking the law. Whether this is true or not, ignorance of the law has never been a good defense for breaking it.

For example, if you come to a stop sign at the same time as another car, New York state law dictates that the car to the right goes first. However, an out-of-state driver may not know that and may allow the car on the left to go first. If an oncoming car’s driver does not expect this to happen, are you are at fault for the accident that ensues?

Whether you are an out-of-state driver or someone who resides in NYC, it’s important in any type of car accident that the right person be held responsible.

New York No-Fault Car Insurance

New York is considered a no-fault car insurance state. Anyone with a New York drivers license is required to have no-fault insurance before operating a motor vehicle.

If you are from an at-fault state, you may have a different type of insurance that covers the other driver and not yourself.

An experienced New York City out-of-state lawyer can help you handle situations such as this while still ensuring that you are following New York state laws.

Because insurance coverage and laws vary from state to state, car accidents and compensation can be extremely complicated when the drivers involved are from different states. Fortunately, our attorneys are both familiar with the process and experienced in these types of cases.

Why You Need a Lawyer

If you have been in a car accident with an out-of-state driver, or you are from out of state yourself, we can help you navigate a complicated process. No matter where you are from, if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to compensation.

Let us help you get the compensation you need to move forward. Contact us online or call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) as soon as possible to get started.

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