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What to Do After a Lyft Accident in NYC

If you’ve been injured because your rideshare driver was careless, recovering from your injuries and losses may not be easy. You didn’t cause the accident, but you don’t have legal experience. What can you do after a Lyft accident in NYC?

The answer can often be found by talking with your lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP about your next steps. The right attorney can guide you through your claim and help you make the best decisions that could ultimately lead to the successful outcome you’re after.

Get Medical Attention

If you’ve been hurt in a rideshare accident, getting medical care is the first step to your physical and financial recovery. A serious injury could affect your health for years to come, and if you don’t seek help immediately, those injuries could worsen. 

You might feel fine and don’t see signs of injury, but it’s best to seek medical care anyway. You might have suffered a delayed injury, for example, which means your injury might not be painful or obvious until later. Whiplash, for example, might not cause pain until days or weeks after an accident. 

Learn about Lyft’s Insurance Policy

Once you’ve been treated for your injuries, you may then focus on getting compensation. Uber puts a lot of hurdles in place that make it difficult and nearly impossible for car accident victims to sue for their injuries. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t seek compensation for your injuries

In most cases, rideshare drivers are required to carry commercial insurance. If you’re injured by a Lyft driver during your ride, you may be entitled to up to $1 million for your recovery. 

Know Your Claim’s Worth

If you’ve been involved in a Lyft accident as a passenger, you might be desperate enough to consider taking the insurance company’s settlement offer and moving on. Unfortunately, that could hurt you and your family. 

The insurance company doesn’t always have your best interests in mind. Instead of offering you a fair settlement, the company may lowball your claim, offering an unfairly low amount for your losses to protect its profits.

That’s why it’s important to talk to a rideshare accident attorney in New York City about your claim. You won’t get another chance to seek compensation, so make sure you’re giving this one the attention it deserves.

Get a NYC Lyft Accident Attorney on Your Side

If you’ve been injured by a careless driver, it’s already tough to take action and know what to do about your claim. You might be even more lost when it comes to what to do after a Lyft accident in New York City. Luckily, that’s where a lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can step in. 

Our attorneys understand the difficulties you might have when facing a rideshare accident claim. That’s why we offer free consultations. If you’re ready to get compensated for your injuries, call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or fill out the following online form. 

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