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Can I Sue Lyft for an Accident in New York?

When you hop in a Lyft or other rideshare, you might have chosen that to avoid driving and other difficulties of traveling. Still, you may not have avoided a crash, and now you’re injured as a passenger. 

When that happens, you need answers to your most important questions, like, “Can I sue for a Lyft accident in New York?” You may need a lawyer to get the answers you need about your claim. 

If you’re not sure about your car accident claim, reach out for help from an attorney at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. We can talk about your options when you’re hurt and suffering. 

Taking Legal Action against Lyft

Your first idea may be to sue Lyft itself. They should be responsible for the actions of their workers, since drivers must apply and be approved by the company. It’s not always that simple, though. 

The problem many accident victims run into is that many rideshare companies don’t consider themselves employers of their drivers. They instead claim they’re only an app provider, not an employer, and they merely control the app that connects drivers and passengers. 

Because of this, suing the company for the actions of the driver can be difficult. While there are cases where you can sue, it may be tough to seek compensation. Luckily, that’s not your only option. 

Your Lyft Accident Settlement Options

If you’re hurt, suing Lyft may not be easy. You may not have grounds to file against the company, or you may be intimidated by the company and their resources. Fortunately, you may be able to settle with the driver instead. 

As a professional driver, Lyft drivers are required to carry commercial driver insurance. That means that their insurance policy should cover your injuries and expenses after the accident. These policies typically pay out a maximum of $1 million per accident

If you’ve been injured and are seeking out compensation, getting a settlement agreement from the responsible party and their insurance company may be the best route for you. Your rideshare accident lawyer can guide you through the settlement process and make sure you get compensated fairly for your New York crash. 

Call a New York Lyft Accident Lawyer

When you’re hurt in a Lyft accident, you need compensation that helps you recover from your injuries. That’s not always easy, though, especially since the company won’t want to pay for your losses. While you can sue Lyft for an accident in New York, it can be tough, and you might struggle to get the compensation needed for your injuries and other losses. 

That’s why you may need help from the lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. Your attorney can help you find the right option for you so you can get the funds you need and focus on your recovery. 

If you’re ready to sue the party responsible for your Lyft accident injuries, reach out for a free consultation, where we’ll talk about your claim and what we can do to help. Call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or complete the online form below to get started. 

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