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Can I Get an NYC Car Accident Report Online?

When you’re hurt in a NYC car accident, you need all the information about your claim you can get. Any evidence may be key in proving you’re due compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered. Because of this, you may need a copy of your accident report, but how do you get this information?

When you’re struggling to get an NYC car accident report online, a lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help. They can help you get your report and take advantage of the information in that report. That means fewer trips to the courthouse and more time focused on your recovery, not on your claim.

Do I Need an NYC Car Accident Report?

When you’re injured in a car accident, the details of your car accident can make a big difference to your claim. But you may be filing your claim months or even years after your accident. Because of this, some of the details of the crash may have escaped you in the meantime.

That’s where a car accident report is vital. Your lawyer can use this report to get an accurate, official version of events during the crash.

How to Get an NYC Car Accident Report Online

When you’re involved in a New York City car accident, it may be reported if someone is injured or killed, or if the damage is more than $1,000. The police have a database of reports, which are official documents regarding your collision. Luckily, you can get a copy of your report shortly after the accident.

The New York Police Department offers a search tool for collision reports. Once you find your report, you can get a copy of the report mailed or emailed to you for a small fee. Your car accident lawyer can help you use this tool to get a copy of your report and use it properly.

Learn More About Your Car Accident Report

When you’re hurt in a car accident, you need access to as many tools as possible to support your claim. But you may be worried about getting your car accident report, especially if you’re unable to leave home because of your injuries.

That’s why you may need to get an NYC car accident report online. The lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help you seek out your car accident report, prepare your lawsuit, and go after compensation for your injuries. Reach out to a lawyer after a car accident for a free consultation when you call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or complete the following online contact form.

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