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Driving Directions from New York City

Often referred to as “The Big Apple,” New York City, New York, is the most populous city in America and the home of the Statue of Liberty, One World Trade Center, and Central Park. As of 2016, the population is 8.538 million.

To reach the office of Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP from New York City, New York, simply follow these directions:

    1. Head west on Park Row
    2. Turn left onto Spruce St
    3. Turn left onto Gold St
    4. Turn right onto Frankfort St
    5. Turn left onto Pearl St
    6. Use the right lane to take the FDR Drive N ramp
    7. Merge onto FDR Drive
    8. Use the left lane to take exit 12 toward E 61st St
    9. Continue onto E 61st St



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