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What Should I Tell My Insurance Company After a Car Accident?

Reporting a car accident to your insurance company can be both confusing and intimidating, especially if you aren’t entirely sure who was at fault.

An accident report filed by the officer who arrives on the scene is the best way to provide the correct information and documentation of the incident.

Because there are several things you will need to take care of immediately after a car accident and because you are probably in pain from your injuries, you might feel as though speaking with the insurance company is too much to deal with at the time.

If you are having difficulty figuring out how to manage your insurance obligations along with the accident itself, the lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help.

Why You Need an Experienced Lawyer

If you are confused and unsure, it’s a good idea to speak with your lawyer even before you contact your insurance company. This can also help alleviate some of the stress and confusion that comes with dealing with insurance companies.

We may be able to help you understand the limits of your policy and what the proper procedure is for your specific insurance company and the laws of New York State.

In addition to the claim you may file with your own insurance company, there may be other documents or applications that have to be filled out.

In the end, your insurance company needs all the information pertaining to the accident, but our lawyers can help you decide when to contact them and how to proceed according to your best interests.

Understanding Car Insurance Obligations

In the world of car insurance, most everything is carried out according to specific codes and forms. The information from these forms is applied to formulas that help determine exactly what is covered.

For example, your insurance company may not cover the services provided by certain companies or medical providers. Get your medical needs met, but be prepared to change doctors or facilities if it is required by your insurance.

In the end, the information and answers you give your insurance company might be dependent on the accident and your needs afterward. It isn’t recommended to speak with insurance companies representing other drivers; instead you should refer these to us, so that we can make certain they only learn what they absolutely need to.

If you aren’t sure how to move forward with your own car insurance company or someone representing the interests of others, we can help determine the best way for you to proceed.

Contact an Attorney

Let us help you figure out the best way to move forward after your accident.

Contact us online or call 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) as soon as possible to get started.

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