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Pain and Suffering After an NYC Car Accident?

Dealing with pain and suffering after an NYC car accident is only compounded by the medical bills, injuries, missed work, and other legalities that accompany any car accident.

Pain and suffering is not automatically covered by no-fault insurance policies, and most policies won’t cover it at all unless you have a specific personal injury clause for it.

And yet, you may still be able to be compensated for your pain and suffering if the appropriate action is taken. The lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP have the experience and knowledge necessary to make certain you get compensation for your pain and suffering.

What Is Pain and Suffering?

Pain and suffering goes beyond the injuries and damages that often occur as a result of a car accident.

It accounts for the anguish that you go through as you recover. For example, your health insurance might cover your medical treatment for a broken bone, but it does not cover the pain you feel when that bone breaks or the suffering you go through as it heals and you try to adjust to a life-altering injury.

The pain and suffering after an accident is hard to determine and is usually calculated according to the “multiplier method.” This method requires assigning numbers from one to five to your damages and losses. The assigned number is then multiplied by a second number which is based on the severity of your injuries, prospect of recovery, fault, and other factors.

No-Fault Insurance Separation

Pain and suffering claims are separate from lost wages and medical bills.

Lost wages are not usually covered under no-fault policies and neither are all medical bills. In most cases, the issue has to be taken to court.

No-fault insurance typically covers things like damage to your car and a ride in an ambulance, but it is very limited in what it covers beyond those things.

You can always add provisions for these losses to an insurance policy, although it will almost certainly result in a more expensive premium. You can also seek compensation from the person who was at fault for the accident in the first place.

There is no doubt that you are going to experience some pain and suffering after an NYC car accident. Our lawyers understand all the damages and injuries that can result from an accident, and we know how to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Experienced Lawyers Can Help

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident in New York City, make certain you get compensated for your injuries and losses—including intangibles such as pain and suffering.

Our attorneys can ensure that, if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, your pain and suffering and other life-altering injuries are compensated.

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