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How to Get Lost Wages After a NYC Car Accident?

Knowing how to get lost wages after a New York City car accident is about knowing which questions to ask and ensuring you have a qualified legal team on your side to help.

It is impossible to explain every detail of the process in a general way. Every single car accident is different, and as a result, so is every step of the process when it comes to seeking compensation.

However, it is possible to get a general idea of what needs to be done in order to recover any lost wages you may have experienced because of your car accident. Mostly, it’s about keeping track of all the details and saving any paperwork and documentation.

Obtain an Accident Report

Your first step after an NYC accident is to call the police. Although this is not legally required in all cases, it is better to be safe than sorry.

In the future, you will need to get an accident report that may help in determining fault. A report from an unbiased officer will have more objective details and less bias than a report you have filed on your own. Having an accident report is an important piece of the process to recovering your lost wages.

Keep All Medical Records

After your initial medical evaluation immediately following the accident, you will likely be made aware of any physical limitations that would prevent you from being able to work.

At the same time, it is important to be on the lookout for any delayed injuries that may arise in the future. Keep your doctor informed of any changes or new symptoms, and be sure to follow all medical advice—including taking time off work or going on light duty.

Keeping track of all your records and receipts is imperative for your case. You absolutely must follow your doctor’s instructions, as this will demonstrate that you took your health seriously and made every effort to fully recover as quickly as possible.

You Need Experienced Lawyers

When seeking compensation for lost wages, you will need experienced lawyers to help make sure the right person is held responsible for your accident. We can help determine the best way to move forward and to gather the necessary evidence to get you any compensation you deserve.

After reviewing your records, it will be possible to assess the full costs of your lost wages and medical bills. This will allow us to determine what a fair settlement amount will be.

However, insurance claims are often settled before the final total of lost wages, medical bills, and damages becomes available. It’s crucial that you have experienced lawyers on your side so that nothing is overlooked before you agree to any settlement offer. Don’t risk your health and wellbeing by attempting to navigate the process alone.

Contact an Attorney

If your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence, you might be entitled to compensation. Let the knowledgeable attorneys of Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP help you ensure the right person is held responsible.

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