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Wrongful Death Lawyer | Fatal Car Accidents in Brooklyn

For the grieving family members of someone killed in a fatal car accident, a wrongful death lawsuit may provide their only option for financial security in the coming years, covering college expenses for minor children and retirement savings for a surviving spouse. We represent the families of wrongful death and fatal car accident victims in New York City and the surrounding areas of Long Island and Westchester County. We understand the importance of earning the best settlement possible for our grieving clients. Our experience investigating motor vehicle accidents includes decades of negotiating with insurance company representatives and the then taking these lawsuits to trial.

As a spouse, child, parent or other loved one of an accident victim, you can pursue damages through a wrongful death claim, if you can show a financial loss. In some cases, punitive damages may also be awarded and our attorneys have helped numerous families obtain a full financial recovery for lost wages, medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering.

Wrongful death claims are brought on behalf of the Estate of a person whose death was caused by a devastating, catastrophic underlying legal event like an auto accident or different forms of medical malpractice. These claims are based on an underlying civil wrong which has tragic results for the family members and children. In a successful wrongful death lawsuit, compensation may be awarded for funeral and medical costs, loss of earnings and lost benefits. Compensation for a loss of a parent’s guidance and training is also available. However, New York does not allow for surviving family members to recover for mental anguish incurred as a result of their loss.

Remember, there is a statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in New York State, allowing surviving family members two years from the date of death to file a lawsuit. After two years, they will be prohibited from ever filing a wrongful death lawsuit to receive compensation for their loss. Call a Brooklyn car accident lawyer today, Greenstein & Milbauer.

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