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Will No-Fault Car Insurance Cover All My Injuries?

Following a serious car accident, you may need financial help to recover from your injuries. But that’s what your insurance policy is for, right? You may be relieved to find that your policy will cover the costs of your recovery. 

But will no-fault car insurance cover all your injuries and the incurred expenses? It may not be so simple. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident and you need help getting your losses covered, reach out to a Bronx car accident lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP to learn more about your options. 

What Does No-Fault Insurance Cover? 

When you’re hurt in a car accident in New York, your no-fault insurance should cover the costs of your injuries. No-fault insurance simply means that your insurance covers the costs of your injuries, regardless of fault. That means your insurance company should cover the costs even if you’re partly at fault for the accident. 

No-fault insurance is supposed to make it easier to get compensated for the costs, losses, and suffering you experienced. But your insurance company may not be willing or able to cover your losses. You may have been offered only a part of what you’re due for your injuries. So what happened? 

New York’s Serious Injury Threshold

New York has a serious injury threshold for no-fault insurance claims. That means your no-fault insurance policy only covers $50,000 in the case of an accident, and may not cover the costs of a serious injury, which includes the following and more: 

If you’ve suffered a serious injury or losses totaling more than $50,000, you may be ineligible for a car insurance settlement that covers all the economic and non-economic losses due to the accident. Your lawyer will help closely review your case and will help you calculate the entirety of your losses so you may know how much to pursue in compensation together. 

Cover All Your Injuries with a Lawyer’s Help 

When you’re hurt in a car accident, you can’t accept a low settlement for the losses you suffered. Paying out of pocket for your injuries can leave you in debt, when the at-fault party may be held responsible for your injuries. 

Luckily, your lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP will help you get compensated fairly. If your no-fault car insurance won’t cover all your losses, reach out to a car accident lawyer who will doggedly fight for justice in your name. Start with a free consultation by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by completing the online contact form below. 

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