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Bronx Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

When others drive distracted, you’re at risk no matter how safely you’re driving.  You can hold distracted drivers accountable by working with a Bronx distracted driving crash lawyer.

Accidents caused by distracted driving are on the rise. Whether it involves texting or talking on a cell phone, drivers’ inattention can cause devastation for anyone else on the road. If you’ve been hurt in this type of accident, you deserve compensation for your injuries and losses from the at-fault driver.

No matter how difficult the process is, a Bronx distracted driving accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help you achieve maximum compensation in settlement negotiations or court.


Auto accidents caused by distractions are just as deadly as those caused by drunk or drowsy driving. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has performed extensive research into these types of accidents due to the widespread use of smartphones, navigation systems, and various amenities in modern cars.

Researchers have identified three distinct categories of distractions, which include the following:

  • Visual – Taking eyes off the road
  • Physical – Taking hands off the wheel
  • Mental – Simply not thinking about driving or surroundings

Texting is one of the most dangerous causes of distracted driving crashes in the Bronx because it involves holding and looking at a phone screen while also thinking about the conversation. Other distractions include the following behaviors:

  • Eating and drinking
  • Conversing with passengers
  • Dealing with children
  • Putting on makeup and other grooming
  • Using GPS systems or apps
  • Adjusting entertainment systems

Your Bronx distracted driving wreck lawyer will work to prove that the other driver was acting inappropriately while driving. Phone records can prove calls or texts were occurring, and some navigation systems keep records of when and how they were being used. Food purchases, containers, and messes can show that a driver was eating instead of paying attention to the road.

Injuries in Bronx Distracted Driving Crashes

Accidents caused by distracted drivers can cause serious injury to everyone involved. Ranging from minor abrasions to life-altering disabilities, these injuries can financially ruin you. Your distracted driving accident attorney in the Bronx will make sure every immediate damage and any expense that might pop up in the future is listed in your claim.

Common injuries include the following:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Temporary or permanent physical disabilities
  • Mental disabilities
  • Crushed or broken bones
  • Surgically amputated limbs
  • Limbs violently severed or ripped away
  • Severe burns
  • Disfigurement
  • Sensory damage (sight or hearing)
  • Death

Compensation for Your Crash

Once we identify all your injuries, we can move on to your economic and non-economic damages, both immediate and future. Damages commonly listed in Bronx distracted driving crash claims include the following:

  • Short- and long-term medical costs
  • Lost or diminished income
  • Disability accommodations
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death

Get in Touch with a Bronx Distracted Driving Accident Attorney

You can schedule a free, no-obligation legal evaluation with a Bronx distracted driving accident lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP by calling us at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or filling out the form below.

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