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Car Accident Caused Neck Injury

There are a number of different types of neck injuries: some involve damage to vertebrae or nerves, while others involve soft tissue damage. All of them can result from a car accident.

Although neck injuries are some of the most common types of injuries sustained in car accidents, many people do not take them as seriously as they should. Furthermore, this type of injury can take weeks or even months to recover from, if ever. Neck injuries that involve the spinal cord or neck bones can take years to heal completely.

In such cases, movement is limited, and you may not be able to work or perform your daily tasks. If your neck is injured in a car accident, you’ll need help from an experienced attorney in seeking compensation for your losses and medical bills.

Neck Injury Symptoms and Effects

There are many symptoms related to a neck injury that you may not associate with your car accident. Sometimes you don’t even know you are injured until long after the car accident has happened. You might just experience frequent headaches and think they are due to the stress of the financial repercussions.

It’s important to receive a full medical evaluation any time you suffer a symptom that could be related to a neck injury. Injuries need to be discovered as soon as possible. If you want to pursue financial compensation, you’ll need to file suit before the statute of limitations expires, otherwise you may be left with serious financial burdens and no recourse.

Below are common symptoms of neck injuries and how they can affect you.

  • Soreness in the neck or jaw area
  • Inability to freely move your head
  • Inability to hold your head up without assistance
  • Pain when turning your head or moving it in specific ways

Costs of Neck Injuries

Neck injuries can cost far more than just medical expenses. In order for the neck to heal, movement needs to be limited. Otherwise, you risk putting a strain on an already damaged area of your body, making the injury worse. You can even make the injury permanent if you don’t follow medical instructions concerning restricted mobility.

Neck injuries often result in numerous medical bills, and you will also probably face time off from work. These injuries can be extremely long term, so consult an attorney to determine your options for recovering the costs of your medical expenses and lost wages.

Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer

If you suffered a neck injury caused by a car accident, take the medical advice you receive seriously so that you don’t cause further injury. Bring your medical records, cost of damages to your vehicle, and work records to our experienced attorneys so we can help you recover some of these costs.

You don’t have to navigate the process alone. We can help ensure the right person is held responsible for your accident and get you any compensation you are due.


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